
How To Guide For Caregivers On Cathing Girls

Angela Breslin, RN
25 de octubre de 2023
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  1. Antes de iniciar el proceso de vaciado de la vejiga con el uso de una sonda, primero debemos reunir y abrir todos los suministros que le haya proporcionado su proveedor, enfermera y/o médico.
  2. Wash your hand using soap and water and if suggested by the doctor you may want to wear sterile or disposable gloves. 
  3. It is recommended that girls sit on a toilet, a chair across from a toilet, lay in bed, or stand with one foot on the toilet rim.
  4. Con una mano, busca los dos pliegues que rodean la vagina, también conocidos como labios, y sepáralos. 
  5. Wash the labia from front to back with a mild soap and water or a towelette.
  6. Lubricate the catheter if instructed by your doctor from the tip to the first 2 inches of the catheter. If you are using a lubricated or coated (hydrophilic) catheter it will be ready to use. 
  7. With the labia still spread apart, try finding the urethral opening located below the clitoris and above the vagina. 
  8. Once the urethral opening is found, gently insert the tube until urine begins to drain, approximately 1-1 1.2 inches. Then insert the catheter another 1 inch further and hold it in place until the urine stops draining. 
    * If you are using a curved tip catheter (Coudé) insert the catheter with the curved top pointing up at the ceiling. 
  1. Cuando la orina deje de drenar, comience a retirar lentamente la sonda mientras la gira lentamente. 
  2. Si utiliza una sonda de punta curva (Coudé), no la gire. Es posible que salga algo de orina al retirar la sonda. 
  3. Make sure the bladder is completely empty and the catheter is entirely drained out. 
  4. Deseche la sonda después de completar el proceso de cateterización y lávese las manos de nuevo con agua tibia y jabón.

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